In Loving Memory of Mr. Ovadia Buddy Sutton A"H

Seder Moed Masechet Yoma Perek 1

Sponsored in Memory of Avraham Ben Esther A"H

  • Mishna 1: Preparing a Backup Kohen
  • Mishna 2: Practicing the Daily Services
  • Mishna 3: Practicing the Plan for the Day
  • Mishna 4: Additional Preparations for Yom Kippur
  • Mishna 5: The Kohen Gadol's Oath of Loyalty
  • Mishna 6: The Night of Kippur
  • Mishna 7: Keeping the Kohen Gadol Awake
  • Mishna 8: The proper time for Terumat Hadeshen
  • Audio
  • Video

Now Playing: Mishna

Preparing a Backup Kohen
Profile of Mr. Raymond  Cohen
Mr. Raymond Cohen
Teacher at Ahaba ve Ahva