Sefer Bemidbar

Parashat Naso

Part 1: The Role of Gershon and Merari (4:21-49)
Part 2: Sending Away the Impure & Asham Gezeilot (5:1-10)
Part 3: Sota (5:11-18)
Part 4: Sota and Nazir (5:19 - 6:8)
Part 5: Nazir: Saint or Sinner? (6:9-21)
Part 6: Priestly Blessings and the Offerings of the Nesi’im (6:22 - 7:89)

Now Playing: Part 1

The Role of Gershon and Merari
Profile of Rabbi Jonathan  Snowbell
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell
Rabbi at Himelfarb High School, Jerusalem